January 2022 Annual Election Meeting Updates
There are a lot of things we need to tell you, and they’ve sort of been piling up, but we also didn’t want to spam you all during the holidays. So here we go!
Annual Election Meeting Goes Virtual
Due to the Omicron surge, we’ve decided we don’t feel great about a live meeting. Socially, we wanted to do the annual meeting live, because we felt we needed the sense of connectedness it gives. But right now is just not the right time to add more possible exposures to everyone’s calendar.
The date and time remain the same:
Noon CST, Sunday, January 23, 2022
The complete Zoom invitation for this meeting will appear at the end of this post.
Personnel and Candidate Changes
Director Nadim Khalidi has resigned. For now, Facilities departments who need help from the director level should reach out to [email protected].
Candidate Skaht Hansen was unfortunately found to be ineligible, as he did not hold a 2020/21 membership to the convention, which is how we define membership in the organization (since at least 2015). To be eligible for a board seat, per the Convergence Events, Inc. Bylaws (Article IV Section 3, “Eligibility”), one must also have been eligible to vote in the last two convention cycles. To be eligible to vote, one must be a member (Article II Section 4, “Voting Rights of Members”).
Director Michael Scott Shappe has chosen not to run for a second term, and withdrawn his name from consideration to continue as Director of Systems. The current term ends with the conclusion of the 2022 convention.
Decisions on how to fill the vacant External Relations and Communications seat, and the Systems seat after August 2022, will be made by the reorganized Board after the election.
Zoom Invite for Annual Election Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 844 8591 9347
Passcode: 67568427
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Meeting ID: 844 8591 9347
Find your local number: https://convergence-con-org.zoom.us/u/kQ04aDBPr