CONvergence Convention Committee Post Mortem Summary
Saturday, July 25th 2015 Post Mortem
Review of Post Mortem Breakout guidelines. Convention committee broke out into 6 groups for 90 minutes. The remainder of the Post Mortem meeting commenced at 4:15PM.
Department Announcements
Reminder of Lost and Found times and dates.
As of July 26, unless there is an emergency or you have made arrangements with me personally, I will be not allow departments access to the storage units until October. I need time to straighten up the units, to organize inventory and to maximize the space we currently have.
Several departments have expressed interest in getting rid of equipment that they no longer want or did not use in the past couple years. You will need to work with your director in getting rid of those items. I cannot just throw out Convergence equipment without authorization. My goal is to try and get rid of any unused equipment by the end of the calendar year.
Thanks to everyone for their cooperation, I really do appreciate it.
Steve Erickson
Head of Logistics
Reminder of the Volunteer Party, time of drawing, and information on additional drawing.
The deadline for submitting reimbursement requests for the 2015 convention cycle is September 30, 2015.
Michael Stroh, Finance Department Head
Results of the Data Transmissions Position Survey (Please see below)
GPS Announcements of upcoming events
Reading of a proposal
A calendar listing of upcoming meetings, events, and deadlines is available below.
Data Transmissions Position Survey Results
A survey was sent out to the ConCom Members with two following options on how to handle the now vacant Data Transmissions Position.,
Option A: The Board of Directors should run as a five person board until the January elections.
Option B: The Board of Directors should find and appoint someone as soon as possible to the Data Transmissions position for a term ending on 8/15/2016
At 55.56% of the vote, we will be going with Option B.
The appointed position will be for a one year term (from the date of appointment until August 15th, 2016.)
It is expected that the person appointed for the position will also be running for the position in the 2016 January Election. The Data Transmission Position up for election is for a one year term (8/16/16-8/15/17).
Those interested in the appointed position should submit their name to the Board of Directors dire… no later than 11:59PM on Saturday, August 15th.
Interviews of the interested parties will be conducted by a Board appointed committee over the weeks following August 15th. Interview responses and recommendations will be presented to the Board as soon as possible, but no later than Noon on September 12th. The Board will review and make a final decision no later than Sunday, September 20th (the first ConCom meeting of the 2016 cycle).
Below is a current calendar listing of upcoming meetings, events, and deadlines.
Saturday, August 15th 12PM (Noon)
Deadline for interested parties to submit their name for consideration in the vacant Data Transmissions appointed position. Send email to Dire…
Saturday, September 12th 12PM (Noon)
Deadline for the appointed committee performing the interviews of the interested parties to present their recommendations to the Board of Directors.
Sunday, September 20th
Deadline for the Board of Directors to complete the review of the recommendations and make a final decision.
First Convention Committee Meeting of the 2016 cycle at 2PM
Wednesday, September 30th 11:59PM
Deadline for submitting reimbursements requests for the 2015 convention cycle to Finance. fin…
October ConCom Meeting (Time and Date to be determined.)
No Access to the Storage units until this date unless there is an emergency or you have made prior arrangements. Questions? Contact logi…
Budgets are generally due by the October ConCom Meeting. The deadline will be updated once the date has been confirmed. Please submitted Departmental budget requests to your Director.
Sunday, November 15th 11:59PM
Deadline for self-nominations for the Board Positions up for Election. Send to Elec…
The following Board seats are up for Election
- Productions
- Systems
- Data Transmissions
(Special One Year Term 8/16/16-8/15/17)
November ConCom Meeting (Time and Date to be determined.)
Approved Department Budgets should be provided and communicated to the Departments by this Meeting.
Thursday, December 31st
Logistics would like to have any unused or no longer wanted equipment removed from the storage unit by this date. Please work with your Director on what to do with equipment your department no longer needs or wants. If possible, we would like to repurpose or recycle these items. Please plan on making arrangements to discuss with your Director and schedule time at the storage unit before the end of the calendar year. Questions? Contact your Director and/or logi…
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Annual Meeting and Elections