CONvergence Convention Committee Meeting Notes
Saturday, March 19, 2016

Meeting dates

Sun, April 17th
Location to be determined

To be confirmed
Sat, May 14th
Sun, June 5th
Sat, June 18th
Sat, July 16th (Post Mortem and Volunteer Party)

Board Announcements

Pass around game submissions

Many people have asked about the at con pass around games. Who does them and how to submit an idea. If a convention committee members has an idea for pass around game, please submit it to directors@ with a detailed description including rules, supplies needed and budget. Please also include if you will be able to organize the game or will need assistance.

The ideas will then be reviewed by the board, and ops (for safety). The chosen idea will then be passed to the ceremonies department for inclusion in opening ceremonies.

Note: We have not done a pass around game every year, we only have one if someone comes up with a fun idea. This process may change as we formalize it.

Volunteer policy review with Q&A

Volunteer policy has been reviewed and will be posted soon.

Upcoming Member Advocate Election

The deadline for self nomination for the Member Advocate Election has passed. No self nominations at this time.

Note: During the executive session of the convention committee meeting a motion was made and seconded by convention committee members to extend the election self nomination deadline to March 31st. Motion passed.

Please send your self nomination to dire…

Member Advocate Tabled Actions

Tabled actions from the last meeting were discussed in the executive session. Discussions in an executive session are confidential and are not to be discussed outside of the meeting.

Member Advocate Policies

The convention committee voted on several updated policies and will be added to the Member Advocate Policies and Procedures documentation.

Parliamentary procedures

We will be sending out a primer on parliamentary procedures shortly. If you have any questions on parliamentary procedures email dire…

Department Announcements


Measurement initiative
On behalf of the Hotel Measurements Initiative, we’d like to thank Ishmael for arranging the evening we had at the DoubleTree that allowed us to capture details about the entire ballroom space, CONvergence Central, and 9-Mile Grill. We would also like to thank all the individuals who participated in the measuring itself, including Nadim, . Our intention is to measure the rooms and hallway on the 22nd Floor during the next ConCom held at the DoubleTree, which we believe will be in May. The details of all measured spaces will be made available to anyone requesting them as soon as the cleaned-up versions are completed and permanent copies will exist with Hotel, Operations, and Programming.

Please note that we have been advised by Hotel that it is extremely unlikely we will have the opportunity to measure any additional spaces at the DoubleTree or any of the spaces in Crowne Plaza or the Sheraton until the week of CONvergence 2016 itself. However, we are hoping to take advantage of our access to the Hotel during move-in week and capture as many rooms and hallways as is convenient without being a hindrance to the work that must be done during that time. We will need help to measure during that time and we will announce that again at the last ConCom before the convention.

All Departments should have electronic copies of last year’s Resume documents. If you don’t have these documents or haven’t heard from us, please send an email tore… as well as letting us know at the meeting today so we can watch for your incoming transmission.

The Resume Deadline remains the April Con-com and the May Con-Com continues to be the Final Sign-off date.

Decor is still looking for geek-themed matchbox and hot-wheels vehicles for an installation. They need not be in collectible condition, as they will not be returned. Please bring to the April CON COM or drop off at GPS Event Horizon before the end of April.

If anyone wants to stretch their creative legs, Decor is looking for volunteers for installation builds. If you are interested in joining us at GPS, or knows someone who would be, please email decor@ and request to be added to our volunteer email list.

Nerf Herders

The Evil Dock Master would like to introduce the new sub Head of the Dock. Mr. Kris Spiezs. Kris has done many years of volunteering for many Cons including Minicon, Mars Con and CONvergence. He has held many head and subhead position including the head of Art show. He has begun his advanced Evil Mwahhhaaaaaa.

All those having items coming through the dock please get us your itinerary as soon as possible.

If your department will need your doors locked and unlocked by the hotel team, please e-mail us the times you would like us to be at your door so we can make sure we’re there when you need us. Times should go to ho… and the deadline is the May ConCom meeting.


Radio Requests
Operations is requesting that all departments intending to use radios for CONvergence 2016 submit their requests (number of radios required) to Opera… no later than April 17, 2016

Radio Training
If you plan to use a Radio at the convention you must attend a session of annual radio training. The first training sessions will take place during the working portion of the ConCom on March 19. There are three types of radio training being offered to members of ConCom this year. Choose the type that best suits your needs and complete this requirement, preferably before the convention.

  • Department specific radio training: Operations can be invited to provide training to the members of a department that is tailored to the specific needs of a department, focusing on the manner in which individuals will use radios while on duty. Department specific questions and procedures specific to particular departments will be able to be addressed in depth. Any department interested in arranging an individual training session should contact Opera… We strongly suggest making use of this option.
  • In-Depth Radio Training: This form of will take place during the working portion of all remaining ConCom meetings. Discussion will be limited to general use radios at the convention, but radio features, functions, and procedures will be covered in detail. This training type will also feature an opportunity to practice making radio calls.
  • Brief Radio Training: 10 minutes or less! This form of training is intended for experienced CONvergence Radionet operators who are seeking only to fulfill the yearly training requirement. This will also be held during the working portion of each of the remaining ConComs, and will begin shortly after and run concurrently with the in-depth sessions.

As you know, Convergence will be hosting ServSafe classes again this year. These classes are open to Convergence volunteers and our partners through GPS. The classes will be held on the 30th of April from 8am to 10 am and 8am to 5pm respectively. If unable to attend on that date, add-on registration is available through the Hospitality Training Center in Minneapolis.

The Food Handler Certificate is good for key volunteers that will be handling or cooking food while the Manager’s Certificate is Heads of Consuites or other foodservice venues.

There are two classes available:
Food Handler Certificate, 2 hours, $20*, and covers:

  • Basic Food Safety
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Cross Contamination and Allergens
  • Time and Temperature
  • Cleaning and Sanitation

ServSafe Manager Certification, 8 hrs, $160* and covers:

  • All of the above
  • Receiving and Storing Food
  • Methods of Thawing, Cooking, Cooling and Reheating Food
  • Food Safety Regulations
  • You will receive a book to study before class**
  • The classes will be held at the offices of the Hospitality Training Center, 711 Hennepin Ave #314, Minneapolis, Mn 55403. Payment will be arranged before class on an individual basis. Convergence Departments may cover cost of key volunteers.

Contact Amy McInroy at cons… for more information and registration. Please register quickly to confirm meeting space.
*based on last years prices
**need your mailing address to receive

Guests of Honor
The Guests of Honor department is incredibly excited to announce that we’ve been developing a program in conjunction with Hal Bichel and Christopher Jones that we’re calling the Fan-Featured Guest program. The idea is to put in place a process for third party groups (clubs, organizations, businesses, or individuals) to sponsor an extra GoH or two for CONvergence via crowd funding, fundraising, or private donations.

Fan-Featured Guests would have to go through the same approval process that ourGuests of Honor do. Although they will be brought in with funds raised by the third party, they will be the same as Guests of Honor, have all of the standard privileges and will work with a Guest Liaison during the convention.

This year, we’re piloting Fan-Featured Guests with Greg Weisman of Gargoyles and Young Justice fame.

You may remember when Greg joined us a couple of years ago. He brought in several of the Gargoyles clan folks and colleagues from the Gargoyles show (including Marina Sirtis.) He also wrote AND produced an original radio play that was the hit of the convention.

Greg has promised to write and produce another original radio play if he’s brought back to CONvergence! IN ADDITION, he and CONvergence 2016 Guest of Honor Khary Payton once pitched something called, “Black Manta’s Celebrity Hot Tub” to Cartoon Network. And, we’re just saying… “Black Manta’s Celebrity Hot Tub” could actually happen at CONvergence as an audio performance. Seriously.

Want to help bring Greg back to CONvergence? Here’s the link to the Generosity page Hal has set up for this venture.

There are lots of cool rewards at various donation levels for contributing, including having Khary Payton record your voicemail greeting, or a breakfast or dinner with Greg and Chris. Or you could be written into the new radio play. Or even be in the new radio play.

Of course, the ultimate reward will be getting Greg back to entertain us all. He’s even threatened to break his all-time high panel record of 28 panels in one convention. (He may have to bend time and space to do it, but we put nothing past him.)

If you have questions about this crowdfunding venture, please contact Hal and Chris at h…

If you have questions about the Fan-Featured Guest program and how it may work in the future, PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL. Instead, please contact the Guests of Honor department at gue… We will respond to all questions at the next ConCom meeting.

Remember, this is a pilot so we need to see it through to its conclusion before we roll out official guidelines for future Fan-Featured Guests. But we do welcome your questions so we can make this the best possible program. Thanks so much and please go contribute!

Here is the link for the Bring Greg Weisman Back to CONvergence campaign.

We’re 33% of the way there. If everyone who receives this email contributes $5-$10, right now, we’ll reach our goal today! (Which would make Programming really happy.)

Please consider contributing. If nothing else, you’re helping us run our pilot to make bringing in Fan Featured Guests of Honor a regular occurrence.


Logistics will be having a work day on April 9, 2016.
Time 10 AM – 3 PM
Address: 221 American Blvd W, Bloomington, MN 55420

This would be a great time if you need to do anything with your inventory.
Please take advantage of this day.

If you plan on taking anything out of lock up, I do request you fill out the form so we can track any items leaving the building.

Here is the address for the form.

Since we will be in the back working please text or call me on my cell phone
651-231-6068 someone will be available to let you in.

Membership Communications


  1. Fully staffed!
  2. Deadline for Program/Souvenir guide is April 1, 11:59pm for submissions/extension requests – only 6 submissions so far… Submit or be cut!
  3. To request an Extension, please fill out a Program Guide form with the “Extension Requested” box checked and reasons / time estimate added.
  4. If you are new to process, check with your department head or director. Dept. heads/Directors, check with your teams to see if they’ve submitted.
  5. Confirmation emails will be sent when info is processed.

Guidelines and forms: (under the ConCom menu)

Example of last year’s:

Questions and Head’s up email: public…


No department announcements


No department announcements





Fearless Comedy Productions will be presenting Die Laughing 3, a 50 hour comedy marathon, at the Doubletree hotel from 7PM on Friday, April 8th to 9PM Sunday, April 10th. Featured acts include the Twin Cities Epic Lip Sync Battle, Ben San Del, phillip andrew bennet low, Vilification Tennis, Geeks Without God, and a real live improvised wedding! This event is to raise operating funds for our company so we can produce shows like Build your own Inferno and a Shakespearean Weekend at Bernies.

The event will be also be streaming online but live people are the best! Please come out and watch for a few hours. We’ll be giving away toe tags to anyone who can last more than two hours! More information here:


JOFshop, a monthly salon series for the journeyfolk of fandom to engage in collaboration, discussion of issues related to convention running, sharing of ideas, and to learning from each other. The next JOFshop will take place at the Waterbury on Sunday March 20 at 1pm. The March meeting will be an interactive workshop on drafting volunteer descriptions that can establish clear expectations and entice the types of volunteers that you seek to join your department. Bring your notes, laptops/tablets, existing job descriptions, and departmental goals for brainstorming, description revisions, and discussion.


GPS Annual Membership Meeting/Elections are coming in May. There are 3 director positions up for election, and 2 for confirmation. See the link for more details.

Auction Donations Are Being Accepted – We’ve got upcoming auctions at both CONsole Room (the Doctor Who convention) and CONvergence (this year’s theme is “And how do we GET there?,” a celebration of the great vehicles and transport of science fiction and fantasy. We’ll be taking donations at CVG concom meetings, and can make arrangements to take them at the center. If you plan on delivering your donation to a convention, we’ll be taking them Friday and Saturday at CONsole Room, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at CONvergence. Please complete the our Donation Online Submission Form to arrange delivery.

Program News
Heads up writers and graphic artists! The GPS Writing Contest submission window now open through 11:59pm May 15. Please help spread the word.


Sat Apr 2 | 6pm – ? | Team Trivia Challenge!
It’s time to pull your teams together! Who wants to take on Cinema Rex?

It’s $20 to register as a team (up to 4 people), You can pre-register your team with tri…, or show up day of, but you and your team need to be there no later than 4:45pm to register. Elimination rounds start at 5pm, and 7 teams will go on after the elimation rounds. Those that do not go on will get $10 refunded, and can hang out to watch the carnage.

The main event starts at 6pm. Questions? Email tri…

This will be at the Fantasy Flight Event Center again, so food and beverages will be available for purchase.

Fri Apr 8 | 7pm – 9pm | Edutainment Video Discussion – Topic TBA, location TBA

Sat Apr 9 | 6pm – 10:30pm | GPS Movie Night – 80s Alien Invasion
Earth Girls are Easy and
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai in the 8th Dimension.

There may be 80s dancing afterward, RSVP on the event for updates!

Fri Apr 15 | 7pm – 10pm | Volunteer Appreciation Party
In honor of National Volunteer Week, and after the success of last year’s event, GPS is hosting an event to say thank you to all of our community’s volunteers. GPS members, partner members (this means you, CVG concom, and the members of your departments), community organziations, neighbors, and more are welcome for a night with music, food, and prizes. It will be mainly in the main hall at the center, but will probably spill over. Invite your volunteers from con, and anyone you know who gives back.

Mon Apr 18 | 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.| GPS Arts Initiative – Figure Drawing Salon

JoF Shop – Date, Times, and location still TBD for April.
The Journeyfolk of Fandom believe that we, as con runners, all benefit from sharing knowledge. Everyone, from the top to the bottom of our respective organizations, has something to learn and something to share, and this is the place to do it.
Keep an eye on the Meetup Group for updates.

  • Sat Apr 23 – GPS UGG ReCon – Miniatures Gaming
  • Sat Apr 30 – International Tabletop Game Day with U.G.G.

Supporting Membership -We provide support and activities throughout the year to our members, our partners, the geek community at large, and the general public. If you like what we are doing and would like to support GPS directly, please consider joining us as a supporting member. Also, please help spread the word about the drive.

June 4, 2016 | 5pm start | Pirate Cruise Fundraiser – St. Croix Boat & Packet Co. Stillwater, MN. Just a reminder, start saving your doubloons and work on your garb.

Upcoming for GPS

  • Pride Committee has formed. Want to rep your organization at the booth or in the parade? Please email volun…

Mark your Calendars

  • Mon May 16 – GPS Annual Membership Meeting/Elections
  • Fri May 20 – Sun May 21 – Art-A-Whirl@GPS
  • Sat Jun 11 – GPS Annual Picnic


  • Communications for any convention-related business between your department and GPS should go to con…
  • Site request link for Event Horizon in the Waterbury is: