CONvergence Convention Committee Meeting Notes
Saturday, March 22nd, 2014
Next ConCom Meeting:
April 13th- Resume Deadline, Nerf Herders Stanchions Request Deadline
Meeting dates are listed in calendar at end of this email. ConCom Contact List is attached
Resumes are due by the next ConCom meeting
Nerf Herders:
In an effort to benefit from economies of scale, Nerfherders will be coordinating bulk purchase of gaffers tape. If you haven’t already purchased your tape for this year, please email Nerfh…
Reminder that next concom is the deadline to let nerfherders know if you need stanchions.
We had many people who only put in the minimum of 4 hours to get into the Den last year. Because of this, we are going to a new system of 3 different
Badge ribbons “Clearance Levels.”
4hrs: Wednesday – Friday Noon or “Clearance Level Green.”
7hrs: Friday Noon – Saturday Noon or “Clearance Level Blue.”
10hrs: Saturday Noon – Sunday Close or “Clearance Level Red.”
This is a total of 10 volunteer hours for the weekend: 4 hours for green level plus 3 more hours for blue level and 3 more for red level.
Co-heads and Sub-heads: Please make sure your staff is aware of the changes.
We will also be doing away with the volunteer buttons and going forward with volunteer badge ribbons.
F2E2 is looking for a couple of new sub-heads. Please spread the word. We have a handout if anyone wants one.
Radio Training will be happening after the concom in whichever room the HOME meeting is in since it will be empty.
Ops Open Meetings – Grumpy’s on Washington Ave @ 2pm
Sunday March 23, 2014
Sunday April 27, 2014
Sunday May 18th, 2014
Sunday June 15th, 2014
Ops Training Sessions – Waterbury Building (1121 Jackson St NE, Minneapolis)
Sunday May 4th @ 2pm
Tuesday May 13th @ 7pm
Saturday June 7th @ 2pm
Tuesday June 10th @ 7pm
Team Trivia Competition is Saturday, April 12 at Pepito’s Parkway Theater. Teams of 4 need to be ready to start at 2:45 pm, main event starts 5:30 pm.
Annual Membership Meeting is Monday, May 19. Social/set up starts at 6pm, meeting at 7pm. This is an election meeting. 20 hour volunteers are eligible to vote. 3 directors slots are up: Finance, Events, Community Relations. We need an election committee of at least 3. Any volunteers?
Donations for Charity Auction – We can take at any concom meeting or the office by arrangement.
Art A Whirl is also coming up in May – tables are still available for geeky artists/crafters and volunteers are needed (merch table, wandering hosts, set up and tear down, etc.)
ConCom Meetings Agenda
We will no longer be printing up agendas for the meetings but if you want to be on the Agenda for the ConCom meeting you will need to email me your request and a write up of your announcement no later than 6pm Friday, April 11th.
2014 CONvergence Calendar
April 13th ConCom Meeting- Resume Deadline, Nerf Herders Stanchions Request Deadline
May 17th ConCom Meeting- Pubs Deadline, Resume sign off
June 8th ConCom Meeting- Signage Deadline (no new art), Hotel Room Drawing
June 22nd ConCom Meeting- Last ConCom meeting before CON, Hotel Room Drawing
July 3-6 CONvergence
July 20 ConCom Post Mortem Meeting and Volunteer Party