CONvergence Convention Committee Meeting Notes
Saturday, May 17th, 2014
2pm May 17th, 2014 – DoubleTree by Hilton, Bloomington
CE Board Announcement:
New Policy: All CONvergence merch sales and ordering must be done through the Merchandise department. Things like mugs, patches ect… Departments may not sell CONvergence merchandise in their department. This policy is effective for the 2014 Convention. (Please note this does not affect NON CONvergence merchandise of performers, artists, dealers.) If you have questions please speak to your director or email dire…
There are 44 days left until we move in to the Hotel for CONvergence! Exciting and scary.
As we are getting busier communications will be come vital to the success of our convention. Please make sure that someone in your department is dedicated to answering emails on a regular basis and responding to all emails within 24-48 hours. Even if you don’t have an answer, a response saying, “I need to check on that” is better than no response at all.
Also please make sure that you are meeting deadlines that are required like Resume and Publications and Dock, etc… Missing deadlines not only makes more work for other volunteers it can also cost the convention money. If you are not going to make a deadline it is a good idea to communicate that early so that plans can be made in advance or help can be found.
We are saddened to report that Thom Adcox will be unable to join us as planned due to an unexpected conflict. We wish Thom the best and hope that he can join us some other year.
That being said, we are very happy to have Greg Guler, an artist and lead character designer on Gargoyles join us in Thom’s place. Thanks very much to Greg Weisman for helping us invite Greg to CONvergence 2014 at the last minute.
Greg Guler is currently the lead character designer on “Phineas and Ferb” and has worked for Walt Disney Studios since 1991. He has done everything from graphic design and comic book illustration to animation during his career.
Please welcome Greg Guler to CONvergence 2014.
Guest of Honor Reception:
Please join us at the Guest of Honor reception at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, July 2nd in Atrium 4.This is for ConCom members and their plus ones (families) only, so you get the chance to meet the guests before you launch yourselves into running the Con. Food and drink (no alcohol) will be provided, including vegetarian and gluten free options.
Radio training is available during the working portion of the ConCom meeting. If you use a radio a during the convention, training is required. Even if you had training in past years. Training is required each year.
Next open meeting is May 18th at Minneapolis Grumpy’s on Washington Ave, 2pm
Next Operations training session is June 7th at the Waterbury building (room 106A), 2pm
Radio training is also available at this session.
Welcome Laura Cabral as a new sub-head for the Logistics team. She will be taking over for Electra at the end of this year’s convention. Laura has volunteered many hours over the past years with logistics as well as Connie’s space lounge.
She will be a great addition to our team.
The Move-in schedule is posted out on the CONvergence web site for this year. You can find it under Move-in/out. Please look at when we are planning to move your department. I will have more detailed by department at the next ConCom Meeting.
If you have not had a chance yet to go through Waterbury to clear unwanted items, please do so before CONvergence. At the end of the convention, anything that is not being loaned out or used through out the year is going to a secure storage location off site.
If you need to get look or are not sure what you have at Waterbury, please contact the logistics team to arrange a time we can meet with you.
Registration numbers up to May 15th rate increase are: 5369 registrations
This is up 12% from last year at this time. (Though to be fair, all the data entry was not finished at that time, so the % increase may be misleading)
The Neon database seemed to hold up fine in the last minute rush.
The Resume Team has noticed a trend of Resume information coming to us later and later each year, with this year being by far the latest.
If your Department’s needs are not in the Resume we hand the Hotel(s), it is highly likely it won’t be available to use at the Convention (unless your Department purchases it yourselves.)
PLEASE come talk to us or contact us with questions or concerns and as early as possible to avoid last minute confusion, mistakes and generally grouchiness!
Many Thanks!
The Pubs deadline is now past. If you have not turned in your information as requested by Pubs then you must have your director make a request for an extension. Departments that are already approved for extension please make sure you make your deadline as agreed.
Volunteers Den:
The Mobile Vol Den is now taking orders for delivery of food for departments that do not have the ability to get out for food during the con.
The form to sign up is located here:
If you have questions please email volun…
Here is the list of meals (and recipes for those who need to check ingredients).
Thursday Lunch (Noon’ish):
Sandwich bar (we’ll have GF bread available and have veggie options for the vegetarians/vegans)
Thursday Dinner (5’ish):
Mac and Cheese –
Baked Potato (Vegan/GF) with seasonings / toppings
Thursday Late Night (10’ish):
Oatmeal, quinoa, baked potatoes, boiled eggs
Friday Lunch (Noon’ish):
Adobo Chicken –
Tangy Curried Chickpea Salad –
Chickpea, Corn, and Red Pepper Salad –
Friday Dinner (5’ish):
Tamale Pie – (We will have a gluten-free batch available)
Bean and Cheese Burrito Casserole – (We will also make Vegan / GF batch of this)
Friday Late Night (10’ish):
Oatmeal, quinoa, baked potatoes, boiled eggs
Saturday Lunch (Noon’ish):
Braised Chicken in Tomato Sauce – (using gluten free tomato sauce)
Cheesy Lentils and Rice – (Vegetarian, Vegan, and Gluten-Free options available)
Saturday Dinner (5’ish):
Moroccan Beef Stew – (Gluten-Free)
Moroccan Lentil Soup – (Vegan, GF)
Moroccan Quinoa – (Vegan, GF)
Saturday Late Night (10’ish):
Oatmeal, quinoa, baked potatoes, boiled eggs
Sunday Lunch (Noon’ish):
Sandwich bar (we’ll have GF bread available and have veggie options for the vegetarians/vegans)
Baked Potato Bar
Sunday Late Snack (4pm’ish):
Assorted snacks / leftovers
Reimbursement requests can now be submitted via the Convergence Events website as well as by previous methods. The form can be found by going to and selecting the “Reimbursement Form” option under the “Financial” header, or directly at
The hard copy form is still available. There is a link at the bottom of the reimbursement page, or can be found directly at
Questions, email fin…
GPS Charity Auction – Do you have stuff you want to donate for this year’s con? Talk to anyone GPS, or email silent… to make arrangements.
- This weekend is May 16 – 18 | Art-A-Whirl @ GPS – We are open this weekend for this FREE public event. We have a room of geeky artists and crafters, some live music, Crafty Geek is doing some art project programming for the kids noon to 3 Saturday and Sunday, and Twin Cities Makers will be showing their stuff out of the garage space for the Hack Factory.
- The GPS Annual Membership Meeting is on Monday, May 19 in room 107. Social hour starts at 6, meeting starts at 7. This meeting is an election meeting but is open to all. To vote in the upcoming elections you need to have volunteered at least 20 hours for GPS May 1, 2013 through April 30, 2014. For questions email secr…
- Space Camp Scholarship deadline to apply is June 1, check out the website at for info and application link.
- June 14 – GPS Annual Picnic – You are invited! It will be at Cherokee Park in St. Paul from noon to 5 pm. We have the large pavilion. Grillables, condiments, plates, sodas provided. Feel free to bring something to share.
- June 28-29 – Geeks@Pride – Once again GPS is sponsoring a tent at Twin Cities Pride, and Convergence Events will be joining us to represent geek pride. Stop by and say “hi”!
As always you can find information on our website at, or email in… if you have questions.
ConCom Meetings Agenda
We will no longer be printing up agendas for the meetings but if you want to be on the Agenda for the ConCom meeting you will need to email me your request and a write up of your announcement no later than Friday, June 6th.
2014 CONvergence Calendar
Sunday June 8th ConCom Meeting- Hotel Room Drawing
Saturday June 21st Final ConCom meeting before Convention- Hotel Room Drawing
July 3-6 CONvergence
Saturday July 19th ConCom Post Mortem Meeting and Volunteer Party