CONvergence Convention Committee/Open Meeting Agenda
Sunday, June 5th, 2016
Due to a scheduling conflict with the DoubleTree the ConCom Postmortem meeting and Volunteer Party have been moved to Saturday, July 23rd. The location will still be at the DoubleTree.
Please feel free to contact us with any further questions. dire…
Future meeting dates (subject to change)
Sat, June 18th DoubleTree Bloomington
New date for Post Mortem and Volunteer party
Sat, July 23rd Doubletree Bloomington (Post Mortem and Volunteer Party)
To be confirmed
August 2016
September 2016
October 2016
November 2016
January 2017 Board Election
February 2017
March 2017
April 2017
May 2017
June 2017
June 2017
July 2017 Post Mortem and Volunteer Party
Board Announcements
Post mortem
Post mortem break out will be an executive section. However the first part of meeting will be open to the public as usual. Bring your concom badge to the post mortem break out sessions to identify yourself as current convention committee members.
Hotel watch
The HoME Division is watching the DoubleTree’s performance very closely this year. If any department should experience any challenges with the hotel’s servicing of our convention, please report these right away. If the challenge requires immediate attention please contact the HoME Division Director or Division Director-elect Nadim Khalidi via radio. Please do not engage the hotel staff in these situations. If the situation merely needs to be reported, please send an email to ho… and to facil… We ask preferably send to both addresses, but either one alone will suffice.
Room Drawing
Department Announcements
Book Swap
Connie’s Quantum Sandbox
We HAVE all the boxes (and poster tubes)! If you have any unique shapes of cardboard you think we could use for our Cardboard City and Monster Smash activities, please see Sandbox staff as we still might be able to use it. Thank you GPS for helping us out for collecting boxes this year!
We are in need of push-up waterbottle tops for a science activity. We also need fleece and heavy-weight felt, and fiberfill. We will be collecting these at the next ConCom meetings.
Also, we are in need of condoms (expired or not, but please no used ones), and if you have any lubrication samples just laying around the house, consider donating them for science.”
Greeting CONvergence Convention Committee,
The Volunteer Department will have the 2016 volunteer t-shirt available for ConCom members to pick up at the last two ConCom meetings (6/5 & 6/18). Please refer to the Q&A below for more information.
Q: I am now on the ConCom but I am not yet on the ConCom list, may I pick up my t-shirt?
A: Yes! Please have your Director stop by the Volunteer table to confirm you are now a part of the ConCom and we will add your name to our checklist.
Q: I am unable to make it to either meeting; may someone else pick up my t-shirt for me?
A: Sure! Please send an email to volun… to let us know who will be picking up your t-shirt and what size you would like.
Tote Guidelines and Loose items
In an effort to organize departments’ equipment better for setup and take down, we would like to have departments store as much equipment as possible in totes.
- Totes should be stackable (recommended style will be presented)
Tote Size: L” 21-⅞ W” 15 – ¼ H” 9 -11/16 color gray - Totes should be no heavier than 25 pounds
- Totes should be labeled on top and on one end with contents for department use.
- Totes and loose items should have department colored tape on top and two diagonal corners so that department is obvious from all angles for logistics. Food related items which need to be stored 6” off the floor should be marked with caution tape.
- Each department is responsible for what is stored in each tote.
Note: To any department that does food service (Con Suite, Vol Den, F2E2). In an effort to keep with the Bloomington health codes, we are requesting that you mark any of your boxes and totes with caution tape on items that need to be stored at lock up ex: roasters, rice cookers, cups, any cases of food or service products . It should be marked in the same manner as listed above. We know this is a little extra work. We will be providing you with the caution tape at con.
If you have deliveries going to lock up, please let the Logistics team know. We need to be able to verify the order as will as move things around so we have room for other other orders that may be coming.
I have asked the web team to separate the two forms out on the Convergence event website. If you know you have a delivery coming please fill out the proper form.
Form can be found at the following link:
Nerf Herders
The One Document(s) to Rule Them All! have been submitted to the DoubleTree!
THANK YOU ALL for your work with us so far.
We’ll see you as either Resume Checkers helping your Department Move In or a Hotel Co-Head during the Convention…. in a few weeks!
First advisors
(note: Convergence Events, Inc. is not responsible for replacement of limbs by First Advisor during the CONvergence 2016 convention.)
Membership Communications
“if you need a check”
If you will need a check at the convention, please notify the Finance department at fin… ASAP.
“Shiftboard contact”
Pass around game