CONvergence Convention Committee Meeting Notes

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Future meeting dates (subject to change)

To be confirmed

  • Sunday 4/2/17 Member Advocate Election
  • Saturday 5/6/17 * Change to Sunday May 7th, 2017
  • Sunday 6/4/17
  • Saturday 6/17/17
  • Friday 7/7/17 Open meeting
  • Saturday 7/29/17 Post Mortem and Volunteer Party

Board Announcements

New concom list how to get there and how heads can add people

To get to the concom list you will use the email address and password associated with your registration. If you do not remember your password there is a link to recover your password.

When you are signed in there are several tabs along the top. One of these will be the concom list.

Only Directors and Department heads can add people to the concom list. If you have any issues or questions email [email protected]

Email for the concom list will now be [email protected]

Hotel lottery is coming up

You will be receiving an email in the next few weeks telling you if you received a room in the lottery. For your information, members who do not receive a room will be placed on a waiting list with their place on the list. When you receive your confirmation from allocations you will need to contact the DoubleTree to guarantee your room with a credit card.

Department Announcements


Connie’s Quantum Sandbox


Merchandise will be selling shirts at the May and first June concomms. We hope to sell at the April concom as well, but we are still working with the vendor to confirm that deliverable date.

Registration is still looking for a couple of subheads (welcome to our two new Subheads Caro and Jim!!), preferably people who have experience volunteering at prior Convergences. Please refer any interested parties to [email protected] or [email protected]

1) Please remember to utilize the Volunteer Need Request form if you’re looking for staff so we know to route people to you and what skills are preferable:

2) Reminder: The Volunteers Rally will be at the Waterbury on 4/23 from 12pm-4pm. If able, please send a representative from your department to help attendees learn about you and how to volunteer with you.

Communications & External Relations


Dealers Room and Artist Alley
Dealers room and artist alley department heads needed. Rooms are set so it should
be an easy point for someone to start


The Accessibility and Inclusion department is seeking two sub heads to coordinate our information and resource table at the convention. Questions can be directed to [email protected] and [email protected].

We would like to take a moment to ask for:
Stuffed bears, 12″ or smaller, in natural colors (black, brown, grey, white) – the fuzzier, the better – for a Decor installation outside Mainstage.

Logistics would like to welcome a new sub-head to our group.
Erik Vitale
Adding this new sub-head helps strengthen the Logistics team.
Please help us welcome Erik.

Logistics will be having a second work day on Saturday May 20, 2017.
This will be a great opportunity to verify what you have in storage or to drop off items that need to get to con.
Lock up is at:
Where: 211 American Blvd Bloomington
Time: 10 AM – 2 PM
To be let in: Contact Steve Erickson – 651-231-6068
We will not be having another work day before con. However, as always you can always make a request of Logistics to gain access by filling out the following form.

If you are having items dropped off at GPS for con projects:
Please make time in your schedule to get over to GPS (Waterbury) to make sure it is properly packed up and labeled with your department name.

Logistics or the GPS Quartermaster are not responsible for making sure these items are packed and labeled.

If this does not occur we can not guarantee that it will get to your program area. As a favor to the Logistics team please make the time to get to Waterbury and prep those items to be moved.

Nerf Herders
If your committee is going to need Badgers at the convention, we need to know about it! Please e-mail [email protected] to let us know what to plan for. Yes, we would like to know even if it is something that we have helped you with in the past. Thanks!

It is time again to make the Gaffe tape order. Please fill out the tape form for your tape needs. The prices are included in the form and this comes out of each department’s budget not ours. Due date is the May Concom meeting.

Also if you would like our talented tape artists to add to your floor decor please send a request via the tape art form. Our artists will contact each request with scheduling and further questions as needed. The due date for this is also the May concom.

Introducing our newest Guru:
Camille McDermott.
The Resume Deadline remains the April(2017) Con-com. The May Con-Com(2017) continues to be the Final Sign-off date.


Radio Requests
Operations asks that all departments intending to use radios for CONvergence 2017 submit their final requests for radion, including the number of radios required to [email protected] no later than March 31, 2016

Radio Training
Radio Training for the 2017 season will officially begin during the working portion of the March ConCom. There are three types of radio training being offered to members of ConCom this year, and 2017 Radio Training will feature a New section on how to properly adjust your boom mic.

  • Department specific radio training: Operations can be invited to provide training to the members of a department that is tailored to the specific needs of a department, focusing on the manner in which individuals will use radios while on duty. Department specific questions and procedures specific to particular departments will be able to be addressed in depth. Any department interested in arranging an individual training session should contact [email protected]. We strongly suggest making use of this option.
  • In-Depth Radio Training: This form of will take place during the working portion of all remaining ConCom meetings. Discussion will be limited to general use radios at the convention, but radio features, functions, and procedures will be covered in detail.
  • Brief Radio Training: 10 minutes or less! This form of training is intended for experienced CONvergence Radionet operators who are seeking only to fulfil the yearly training requirement. This will also be held during the working portion of each of the remaining ConCom meetings, and will begin shortly after and run concurrently with the in-depth sessions.
  • Everyone who intends to use a radio at the convention must attend a radio training session each year. Please make every effort to do this before the convention.

Information session on Harassment and Safe Spaces
As most of the ConCom is aware, during the 2016 convention season a new Harassment policy for the convention was introduced and the procedures around Safe Spaces were heavily revised.

Operations will be holding a brief information session for any interested members of the ConCom at 4pm after the main ConCom meeting on April 2 to discuss the general procedures related to harassment and to provide information and answer any questions surrounding the Safe Space initiative. This meeting will be available for remote attendees via teleconference.

Please contact [email protected] for the dial in information. As we did last year, we are also willing to meet with any department to discuss these topics with specific reference to the individual department and will also be actively attempting to schedule meetings with representatives of all of the groups and departments that are hosting an officially designated CONvergence Safe Space.

Looking for Donations
If you have any left over furry fabric that you would like to donate, Operations would love to have it. We will be making a hoard of Tribbles sometime in April. Any colors and any sizes of fabric are welcome. You can bring fabric to to donate to at the March or April ConCom meetings or drop it off at GPS.

First Advisors
Please email FA if you have a medical condition you need/want us to know about. We do not keep emails from year to year so even if you sent one last year, it was shredded the day after con.

Pillows – We need pillows. Lots of pillows..

F2e2 has signed on a new subhead to help facilitate the Cold Press Coffee that will be available at CVG2017. His name is Nico Cruz, he has been added to the ConCom list.

F2e2 is looking for coffee testers to help determine brew factors for the cold press, and invite anyone interested to please email us at [email protected] with “coffee testing” in the subject line. Volunteers for testing should include information such as how often they drink coffee, what strength or style of beverage they drink most often, and an idea of their average caffeine consumption.

Included in our Talent Search is a need for Trained Baristas. If interested and qualified, please email F2e2 with “Barista Volunteer” on the subject line and include information as to espresso experience, equipment familiarity, and what department(s) with which they currently volunteer.

We will narrow down participants based on several factors and reply to all volunteers in a timely fashion.

Vol Den
Hello. My name is Jennifer Jo Peck, I’m the CoHead of the Massage Department in the VolDen. If you are or know someone who gives massages and would like to help in the Massage area of the VolDen for at least one 2 hour shift per day during the con. They will need to give me a 15 minute massage. Have them contact me at [email protected].

Thank you for your support.



Member Advocates

Next election self nominations will be taken until noon April 2, 2017

Future Visioning Committee


GPS Board News

We have 3 director positions open and are looking for viable candidates. We are also looking for people interested in shadowing/assisting our directors, as a way to see what the position entails without jumping in the deep end. Email [email protected].

Apr 16 – last date to declare intent to run for a director position. See website for more details.

  • Must be a voting member in good standing
  • Must legally be an adult

Voting membership:

  • 20 volunteer hours needed to be a voting Member
  • May 2, 2016 through May 1, 2017 – the dates that the volunteer hours need to be earned to be a voting member. Report your GPS volunteer hours at
  • Attend at least one membership meeting prior to the Annual Membership Meeting/election (Picnic and Ice Cream Social count)
  • 14 years of age on or before the Annual Meeting May 15, 2017

Fundraising News

  • Pirate Cruise Fundraiser – St. Croix Boat & Packet Co. Stillwater, MN. Date is Sun, Aug 13. Online ticket sales will go live soon and we’ll be selling in person at concom meetings, GPS events/spaces, and at CONvergence in our party room.
  • Auction Donations Are Being Accepted – We’ve got an upcoming auction at CONsole Room (the Doctor Who con), followed by CONvergence. We’ll be taking donations at concom meetings, and can make arrangements to take them at the center in Waterbury. If you plan on delivering your donation to a convention please complete our Donation Online Submission Form to arrange delivery.

Program News
Space Camp Scholarship – Submission window closed and the selection committee has made a decision. The winner will be announced at CONvergence Opening Ceremony.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We are looking to expand the Space Camp Committee to increase outreach and work to possibly increase the number of kids sent each year to two. Please email [email protected] if you are interested in helping with this program.

Writing Contest – Reminder writers and graphic artists, and to anyone helping to promote this: The GPS Writing Contest submission window will be open until 11:59 pm CDT on May 1. Keep this in mind for planning your work.

Pride Committee is forming. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Work to be done planning and coordinating the
booth space, as well as planning and building the float for the parade unit. Email
[email protected]. If you want to represent CONvergence, touch base with the CVG Pride contacts, the Nerf Herders, at [email protected].

Sat Apr 8 | 7 pm – 11 pm | GPS Movie Night
What are we showing this Month?
You’re Welcome
A group of intergalactic criminals (Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper) are forced to work together to stop a fanatical warrior from taking control of the universe.
Don’t Panic
Mere seconds before the Earth is to be demolished by an alien construction crew, journeyman
Arthur Dent (Martin Freeman) is swept off the planet by his friend Ford Prefect (Yasiin Bey).

Join your tribe for an evening of film and fun in the big room at GPS Event Horizon. Located at 1121 Jackson St NE in Minneapolis, it’s the only volunteer run, non-profit, geek center in the state of MN.

As always, feel free to bring your own snacks (or dinner!), beverages, and a comfy chair. We will have some snacks and soda available for sale.

Still not sure what we’re watching? Check the Eventbrite link:

Mon Apr 17 | 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm | Figure Drawing Salon
The GPS Arts Initiative holds a monthly 3-hour Figure Drawing Salon the 3rd Monday of every month in the Event Horizon classroom (106A). The session includes short, medium and long poses. There is a nominal fee ($5-$10) to help defray the cost of models and other outlays. RSVP to the event on Meetup or Facebook for updates (e.g. weather cancellations) from the organizer.

For questions email [email protected]. This is an 18+ event.

Fri Apr 28 | 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm | Volunteer Appreciation Party
April 23-29 is National Volunteer Week for 2017. This is a week designated as a way to recognize and celebrate the efforts of volunteers. GPS is hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Party and we’re inviting ALL the volunteers across our geeky community as thanks for making the Twin Cities such an awesome geeky place to live.

So we are inviting all geeky volunteers – If you are a geek and volunteer for anything, you are invited!

There will be a potluck, prize drawings, and other things are in the works.

We’ll start setting up around 6:30pm, but expect most won’t arrive until 7ish. The main gig is in the Main Hall (room 107), with overflow as needed, and Artemis in the Classroom. Parking lot is on the east side of the building, enter door 1121C.

Comment on this event on Meetup or Facebook if you plan on bringing something, and we’ll update the list.

Sat Apr 29 | 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm | International Tabletop Game Day
It’s that time again. United Geeks of Gaming are having Open Gaming on International Tabletop Day. A day to spread the fun and joy of games, around the world. Like last year, there might just be some other planned activities also. We are having crock pot pot luck this day! Check link for more information:

Otherwise… Come and spend the day hanging out with fellow gaming geeks playing, learning, and teaching games. Bring your favorite Board, Card, Miniature, and Role Playing Games. If you have a game idea, game event or some other idea for this date? Send a message to the organizers. Let’s make this a great game day. You can also invite your Facebook friends on our page: Facebook link

May 15 – Annual Membership Meeting / Election
This is one of the
May 19-21 | Art-A-Whirl@ GPS
We’ll have the whole space running with geeky artists and crafters in the Main Hall, GPS hosts in the Classroom, kids programming in the Living Room, and tentatively have Twin Cities Makers representing the Hack Factory in our garage area.
Upcoming for GPS
Mark your Calendars

  • Sat Jun 10 – GPS Annual Picnic

Reminders :


JoF Shop is a monthly workshops series that allows participants to engage in collaboration and to share ideas and learn from each other, discussing issues related to the running of geeky conventions. The philosophy behind JOF is that, regardless of level and length of conrunning experience, everyone has something to learn and everyone has something to share.

Jof Shop is on hiatus until late May, unless anyone would like to run an event under the Jof Shop banner. Contact [email protected] if you are inteterested in doing something. The next meeting of Jof Shop is Sunday, May 28 from 1-4pm. The topic is Tech Tools for Coordination and Organization of Convention Committees, Departments and Teams. We will talk about google groups, use of google apps, the benefits and caveats of slack, hangouts and facebook,, voxster, video conferencing tools, teleconferencing tools, registration software, programming scheduling software, and whatever else we truly love and truly hate. A facilitated discussion to share what we have learned through our own individual experiences with different types of tools.