CONvergence Convention Committee/Open Meeting Agenda
(Details to be communicated during the Divisional Meetings)
Sunday, May 15th, 2016

Future meeting dates

Sun, June 5th DoubleTree Bloomington
Sat, June 18th DoubleTree Bloomington
Sat, July 16th (Post Mortem and Volunteer Party) DoubleTree Bloomington

Board Announcements

Post Mortem

Post mortem break out will be an executive section. However the first part of meeting will be open to the public as usual.

Volunteer Hours: Uber Volunteer Requirement is now 30 hours (up from 25)

Those on the ConCom list are automatically assigned Uber Volunteer status.

CONvergence Convention Committee Concom list

The most recent concom list has been updated with all the additions and changes that have been submitted. Please review your information. You might even review your department’s info as you might catch something that someone else could miss!

If you have any changes, updates, corrections, or removals, please submit them via the change form.

A reminder – when contacting a department, it is always best to use departmental emails and not personal emails. This allows departments to route mail between multiple people as well as keeps a record of departmental mail for future reference.

If you have a address, you can find the latest form in your google drive in spreadsheet form. Please verify that you are logging in via your department address if you get a permissions error. And let me know if you have any questions.

Board administrative support position

Convergence Administrative Support
SUPERVISED BY: Board of Directors
Details in the February Convention Committee meeting notes.

Room drawing

Committee Announcements

Future Vision Committee

The Vision & Scaling Committee, made up of Stephanie Zuercher & Charmaine Parnell, co-chairs, and Andy Murphy, Megan Waterhouse, Heather Zastera, Tim Wick, George Atendido, John Garner, and Cetius d’Raven, would like to introduce ourselves. We were gathered together to assess whether the current departments and processes have correctly scaled up from our beginnings up to the 6000-person convention we are now, and to see how we will scale up to 10,000 people in the future.

The V&SC has sent out a survey to the ConCom mailing list. It opened on May 10 and will close on May 20 at 11:59 pm. Please fill it out ASAP and ask the rest of your department to do so as well. This survey will be giving us an idea of how departments work together and how they feel about the current state of CONvergence. If you have any questions, please email the VSC at futurev… We currently have 58 responses, which is a great start.

In the future — that is, after CVG 2016 — we will be doing interviews with every department to assess their current state. These interviews will be prioritized based on the results of the survey, so please fill it out.

Department Announcements



Access to the Storage unit will not be available over Memorial Day Weekend as I will be out of town.

If you can wait until the Con Comm Meeting on the 5th that would be great.

The following is a link to an updated version of our Storage Guidelines. The document covers the following: Maintenance, Purchases, Location, and loading of carts and pallets.
Please read it over. I will answer questions during the next Con Comm Meeting.


Last Year’s Numbers
Adults: 4,664
Teen: 204
Child: 131
Young Child: 92
Total: 5,104

This year’s number (taken @ 2:25)
Adults: 4,273
Teen: 173
Child: 104
Young Child: 83
Total: 4,633

We are down by 471 total registrants but we are still accepting registrations at $75. We will update with the closing numbers after the deadline. Fun fact: I pulled the numbers at 12:30 and then again at 2:25, and there was an additional 20 members registered in 2 hours.

Registration is also adding an Accessibility Line within the department of Registration to help facilitate the needs of our members. This line will be marked with blue tape and run parallel to the main line. This does mean that there is smaller space for queuing inside of Registration.

Volunteer Den
The Volunteer Den is taking requests for its Mobile VolDen service. This is a food delivery service for volunteers who may not be able to visit the VolDen during meal times. We will bring the food and snacks to you!

In order to sign up your department for Mobile VolDen service, please complete the form at If there are multiple heads in your department, please double-check the submissions spreadsheet (link later in this announcement) to make sure that your co-heads haven’t already filled out the form.

A confirmation email will be sent out once the form is submitted. The spreadsheet with the current submissions will be located at

To make a change to your department’s request before the convention, please email vol… Our mobile VolDen team will also do a final confirmation during the convention so that we can take into account any last-minute changes or needs.

The Volunteer Department would like to gather information on your volunteer needs at the convention. We have set up a survey to collect the data that will assist us in entering your department’s needs into our tracking system.

CVG Vol At-Con Needs

If you have any questions regarding the survey or have ​other needs that are not covered in the survey, please feel free to send an email to the Volunteers Department, volun…


Today is Final SignOff day for your Resume Documents!
This is the time for at least one of you from each Department to visit with one of us to double-check your Resumedocuments for typos and minor things that might have gotten lost in translation as we compiled all of the Departments information into the One Document(s) to Rule Them All! We’ll see you at the working portion of the meeting!

The HoME Division is watching the DoubleTree’s performance very closely this year. If any department should experience any challenges with the hotel’s servicing of our convention, please report these right away. If the challenge requires immediate attention please contact the HoME Division Director or Division Director-elect Nadim Khalidi via radio. Please do not engage the hotel staff in these situations. If the situation merely needs to be reported, please send an email to ho… and to facil… We ask prefereably send to both addresses, but either one alone will suffice.


Radio Training
If you plan to use a Radio at the convention you must attend a session of annual radio training. The sessions will take place during the working portion of all remaining ConCom meetings. There are three types of radio training being offered to members of ConCom this year. Choose the type that best suits your needs and complete this requirement, preferably before the convention.

  • Department specific radio training: Operations can be invited to provide training to the members of a department that is tailored to the specific needs of a department, focusing on the manner in which individuals will use radios while on duty. Department specific questions and procedures specific to particular departments will be able to be addressed in depth. Any department interested in arranging an individual training session should contact Opera… We strongly suggest making use of this option.
  • In-Depth Radio Training: This form of will take place during the working portion of all remaining ConCom meetings. Discussion will be limited to general use radios at the convention, but radio features, functions, and procedures will be covered in detail. This training type will also feature an opportunity to practice making radio calls.
  • Brief Radio Training: 10 minutes or less! This form of training is intended for experienced CONvergence Radionet operators who are seeking only to fulfill the yearly training requirement. This will also be held during the working portion of each of the remaining ConComs, and will begin shortly after and run concurrently with the in-depth sessions.

Schedules and Contact Information
As you begin determining your department schedules, please provide Opera… with details related to your department hours of operation, Head(s) on Duty schedule and blackout hours. Further, please note that the ConCom list no longer contains phone numbers. If you anticipate that we may need to call you at any time during the convention please provide contact details. If you have a preferred method of communication (text vs voice), please provide us with that as well.

If you have not yet noticed, the new 2016 CONvergence Member Conduct Policies are finalized and live. Take a look:

Membership Communications

Publications important dates:
May 31st / June 1st — anything received after May 31st will not be in the Souvenir Guide.
June 5-10th — Souvenir Guide will be sent to owners for final verification. Changes to edited information are not accepted after June 10th.

Submission information:
For areas which have filed extensions but have not submitted final content, please submit content for the Souvenir Guide using this link:





JOF Shop

JOFshop, a monthly salon series for the journeyfolk of fandom to engage in collaboration, discussion of issues related to convention running, sharing of ideas, and to learning from each other. The next JOFshop will take place at the Waterbury on Sunday May 29 from 1-4pm. The May meeting will feature a guest speaker and will focus on the topic of Tax Considerations for Volunteers of Non-Profit Organizations. This meeting is open to all individuals in the local geek community who volunteer with any non-profit organization. Tell your friends!