CONvergence Convention Committee Meeting Notes
Sunday, November 17th, 2013

Upcoming Election

Two positions are up for election in January: Activities (Currently held by Michael Lee, who is stepping down at the end of his term) and Communications (currently held by Christin LeXi Davies, who has stated her intent to run for another term). The deadline for self nomination has passed.

Margaret Eastman has declared her intent to run for the Activities Director position.

The election will be held at the January ConCom meeting on January 19th, 2014 at the DoubleTree by Hilton, Bloomington at 2pm.

Elections Judges were ratified at the meeting by hand vote per the By-laws. The Elections Judges are: Eric Knight, Andy Murphy, and Ann Roubik. Anton Peterson and Charles Piehl will serve as Alternates.


Budgets are now complete and available on the website. If you have any questions please contact your director

You can find the budget here:


  1. If you are aware of any use of programming space that happens “regularly” or “we always do it,” please TELL US. As a rule, nothing is automatically added to the schedule: everything must be requested each year. While there are some exceptions such as the Saturday evening Art Auction, don’t assume that your favorite is an exception: request it. By having people re-request panels, it gives us someone to contact. In particular, if you are representing or working with GPS on panels, please contact us.
  2. We will be taking general panelist signups ONLY via web form this year.

Please contact if you have any questions

Social Media

Just a reminder that we would like it if you would refrain from giving answers to questions on the social media sites. Please direct questions to the department email or in… It is difficult for the public to know if someone who is answering their questions has any authority or knowledge to answer questions. Even if you formally served in a department, you may have info that is now outdated or not know about something that has changed in the department. The best way to answer all questions is to have the person send us an email.


  1. December 31st marks the first pre-registration price change. Please pre-register. We do not know what type of load the NEON servers can take, so we advise you to not take the risk and wait until the last minute. January 1st, 2014 the rate goes up to $75.00.
    Please help remind people you know to register.
  2. As of October 31st we have 1560 registrations, which is -12% less than last year.
  3. For 2014 we are projecting:
    7588 Total registrations (12% over 2013)
    6667 Warm bodies (6% over 2013)
    These numbers were calculated from the last 15 years based on statistical trends. This might be a different method than was used in prior years. Registration will make the formulas available to anyone who wantsthem on request. If you have questions contact regist…

ConCom Meetings Agenda

We will no longer be printing up agendas for the meetings but if you want to be on the Agenda for the ConCom meeting you will need to email me your request and a write up of your announcement no later thanFriday, January 17th.

2014 CONvergence Calendar

January 19 ConCom Meeting- Election

**February 15th ConCom Meeting -Not confirmed with Hotel yet**

March 22nd ConCom Meeting- 1st Pubs Deadline

April 13th ConCom Meeting- Resume Deadline, New Art Deadline

May 17th ConCom Meeting- Pubs Deadline, All Art Deadline, Resume sign off

June 8th ConCom Meeting- Signage Deadline (no new art), Hotel Room Drawing

June 22nd ConCom Meeting- Last ConCom meeting before CON, Hotel Room Drawing

July 3-6 CONvergence

July 20 ConCom Post Mortem Meeting and Volunteer Party

Convergence Events Open Meeting

Friday, December 13th, 7pm
Waterbury Office, 1121 Jackson Street NE, Minneapolis Room 107