CVG2021 Archives - Convergence Events, Inc. The parent organization of CONvergence Sun, 13 Jun 2021 14:20:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Why We Are Requiring Masks at CONvergence 2021 And More Sun, 13 Jun 2021 14:18:38 +0000 Dear CONvergence Members, Last week, we sent you a communication regarding this year’s plans for the CONvergence convention. As you might imagine, it generated a lot of buzz and excitement, as well as a wide range of emotions. We know Continue reading →

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Dear CONvergence Members,

Last week, we sent you a communication regarding this year’s plans for the CONvergence convention. As you might imagine, it generated a lot of buzz and excitement, as well as a wide range of emotions. We know that we’re not going to be able to please everyone this year and some of you may be downright sad or angry.  If you are, we’re very sorry for that. The choices we are making are hard ones that we never imagined we’d have to make. We’re still in a pandemic, and our most important priority is the wellbeing of our community. We will stand by that, even at the cost of making some people frustrated or sad.

So much of what we have been navigating is uncharted territory. There was no CONvergence Pandemic Plan™ in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying “Beware of the Leopard.” Instead we have conducted research, spoken with various State agencies, and consulted experts around what we can do and what makes the most sense.  We ask you to understand that the rules we have decided to implement are coming from that place. We don’t claim them to be perfect, and we don’t believe any of them are wrong, but we do welcome your feedback and additional information.

We’ve laid out plans for our 2021 convention, but there is still more work to be done and we have not stopped researching and checking in with the Minnesota Department of Health, the Center for Disease Control, and the Governor’s office, to name a few.  As new information emerges that tells us better ways to accomplish our goals or informs us of a measure that should not be implemented, we will analyze and consider that information. We may implement new rules/guidelines that we can verify are the right thing to do.

We have no intention to do anything but the best for our community, and as a community we need you to work with us, both to help us be aware and cognizant of information we don’t have, and also to give us the benefit of the doubt in working to support one another. If we become aware that safety measures should not be done, you have our commitment that we will update them—but as of now these rules and measures stand.

We received a number of questions on a few short topics. Below are answers to some of the most common questions we’ve received.

Why are we requiring masks if everyone attending is vaccinated?

One of the greatest misconceptions of COVID-19 precautions and vaccines are that either are 100%-guaranteed effective. They are not.

  • While the vaccines are very effective, we are still learning how effective they are for different people with different health circumstances, how long they last, and what holistically they can protect against. You can be vaccinated and still catch COVID-19, still be a carrier, or still be asymptomatic. It is still possible to pass the infection to another person, who can take it home to their unvaccinated loved ones.
  • Likewise, masks are not 100% effective, but being vaccinated and wearing a mask together represents the greatest percentage chance of preventing transmission.

Our community includes many people with health conditions such as immunodeficiencies, cancer, breathing disorders, diabetes, etc. that could reduce the efficacy of their vaccination and/or make them more susceptible to becoming severely ill or dying from COVID-19. While we are requiring people to be vaccinated and masked, we cannot guarantee that no one will encounter anyone or anything that is not free of COVID-19 contamination. The common spaces in the hotel do not require vaccination; people in the streets will not all be vaccinated; vaccinated people can contract the virus and carry it; and some of our members coming from out of town will create different levels of risk for our community. And so, while nothing we can do is 100% guaranteed to prevent COVID-19 transmission, we feel it is important to do everything we can to minimize the chance that anyone can become infected.

Some may ask: why, since we can’t guarantee 100% protection, would we add a measure that seems like it would only have a small effect? In our opinion, a small effect may make all the difference to a member of our community, and if something seemingly so small saves the life of even one person, then it is worth doing. Our hope and belief is that everyone in our community feels the same and would prioritize the life of even one of our members over the convenience of not wearing a mask.

Finally, while the CDC does say that vaccinated people can go back to “regular” activities, for the average person, regular activities don’t include large conventions. Thus, the CDC has additional specific guidance for large events like ours and actually does recommend masks:

Guidance for Organizing Large Events and Gatherings

Updated May 20, 2021


Promoting Healthy Behaviors that Reduce Spread

Event planners should consider implementing strategies to encourage behaviors that reduce the spread of COVID-19 among staff and attendees.



  • Require that staff and attendees wear well-fitting masks that fit completely over their nose and mouth. Make a plan beforehand for how compliance will be monitored and ensured.
  • Encourage attendees ahead of the event to bring and use masks at the event. Consider having masks on-hand to provide to staff and attendees who do not bring their own.


Click here to read the full CDC guidance for large events.

Rolling Over Memberships

If you purchased a membership for CONvergence 2020 in 2019 or 2020, and you did not request a refund when the convention was postponed, your membership has been automatically rolled forward for the 2021 membership cycle and this year’s convention. You can verify your membership status by logging into your account as if you were going to register and check under “My Registered Events” on the pull down menu. Click here for help using the registration system. If you have further questions, contact the CONvergence Registration department at [email protected].

Membership Transfers

If you do not plan to attend CONvergence 2021 and do not need to retain your voting rights for Convergence Events elections, you can transfer your membership to someone else and recoup the cost just like in any other Convention year. All transactions are the responsibility of yourself and the other party. You can find information on how to do this on the CONvergence Registration Page.

We hope this helps answer some of your questions regarding last week’s announcement, and would like to sincerely thank you for your patience and support. This convention, our community, only works when we work together.

Convergence Events Board of Directors

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Why CONvergence 2021: The Stuff of Legends will proceed as scheduled Sat, 05 Jun 2021 19:19:29 +0000 Dear CONvergence Community, Thank you for your patience over the past months! The Convergence Events Board of Directors has been working hard to discern how best to proceed this year. There were many decisions to be made based upon information Continue reading →

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Dear CONvergence Community,

Thank you for your patience over the past months! The Convergence Events Board of Directors has been working hard to discern how best to proceed this year. There were many decisions to be made based upon information that has been slow in coming and not always clear. We have gathered as much information as possible, which has resulted in a need to innovate and be creative—as well as make some tough decisions. We know you will understand.

Our first priority is the safety and well-being of our community. This has guided our decision-making and is the basis for some of the choices we have made.

Our next priority is the health of the organization, of which you all are members. While many people choose to participate by just attending the CONvergence convention, the annual  membership you purchase actually sustains the year-round Convergence Events organization.  The convention is one of the events we put on, one of the benefits of your membership, and one of the things that brings so many of us joy.

Because COVID-19 restrictions are being lifted, and because we have agreements and contracts in place with financial penalties for cancellation, we are faced with this choice:

  • We can proceed with holding a convention.
  • We can dissolve Convergence Events permanently.

We have therefore made the decision to proceed with holding a convention.


Our community still remains our first priority. Not everyone feels or even is safe gathering for an in person event.  Herein is where our geekiness becomes one of our greatest assets. While we are proceeding, we have developed a couple alternatives to allow everyone to choose an option to participate in the way they feel comfortable. Please read on to see the plans for this year.

CONvergence 2021: The Stuff of Legends

To accommodate the needs and well-being of our community, we will offer three ways to participate in a unique model for CONvergence 2021: In person, Online and Staycation, each explained below.

CONvergence: The Stuff of Legends promotional art featuring Connie dressed as Zeusues

  • In-Person CONvergence Convention
    The in-person convention event will include most of the fun things you have come to expect from CONvergence: Guests of Honor, panels, performances, Dealers Room, Artists Alley, Art Show, Gaming, Parties, ConSuite, and more. They may just be a little different and a little more spread out for everyone’s safety. Future communications will include more specific details about what you can expect for each area and event, so stay tuned!
  • Online CONvergence Convention
    For those who want a CONvergence experience, but do not want to gather in person, we will be offering online programming throughout the convention that will include some of the in-person events, as well as some online-only programming. More details about online programming will be forthcoming!
  • CONvergence Staycation
    For those who do not want to attend the in-person convention but still have a need to get a break from being in quarantine, we encourage you to come stay at the hotel, but remain in the comfort and safety of your room. In addition to the online programming, you can enjoy special closed-circuit CONvergence programming exclusive to hotel guests, and you will get special activity kits from the Quantum Sandbox and more (to be determined) CONvergence fun and treats delivered to your room!

In-Person COVID-19 Safety Protocols and Restrictions

Attendees must wear masks in all convention spaces, and all attendees must be fully vaccinated.  We will have check-in stations for showing proof of your vaccination. You will be provided with a wristband, sticker, or pin (to be determined) that will affirm your vaccinated status. This will need to be worn throughout the convention, along with your mask and your badge.

Rooms will be set up with social distancing protocols in mind, and there will be sanitizing stations throughout the convention.

In order to support the members of our Convention Committee (ConCom) who may not feel comfortable or be safe attending, we are not requiring their participation. As such, there will be some necessary restrictions to facilitate a smaller group organizing and running the convention this year, in addition to COVID-19 safety. We will be capping attendance at 3,500 members and closing pre-registration on June 15th, 2021. No memberships will be sold after this date and there will be no at-the-door registrations.

Membership Refunds

Last year, due to the pandemic, we made the decision to postpone the convention and extend everyone’s membership forward to include 2021 or offer an exception to our standard No Refunds policy because of COVID-19 conditions. This was the right thing to do for our community, but it did have an impact on the organization financially. The loss of revenue from rolling memberships forward and offering refunds impacts our financial position this year, and the flexibility available to us if we want CONvergence to happen in future years.

We will not be offering refunds for most Adult or Teen memberships because doing so would financially endanger Convergence Events even further. Your membership, whether or not you use it to attend CONvergence 2021, ensures CONvergence can continue next year and into future years.

Unfortunately, because we are requiring in-person attendees to be vaccinated, those under 12 years of age will not be permitted to attend. We recognize this will be hard for families who love attending CONvergence together, but we believe the safety and health of our membership must take precedence. We hope some families will take advantage of the Staycation option to have CONvergence fun together, but understand this will not work for everyone. Thus we are making an exception to our No Refunds policy for families who have purchased childrens’ memberships. Additionally, if you have a medical condition that prohibits you from being vaccinated, please email [email protected] for accommodations. No other refunds will be given.

We Really Need Volunteers

Because of the unique circumstances around this year’s convention, and the decreased number of ConCom Members during this convention cycle, we are looking for volunteers that will be necessary in order to put on the convention. Without enough volunteers, we will have to cut some areas of programming and services.

While we need help for the in-person convention, there are also many volunteer opportunities that will not require attending the in-person CONvergence event. And volunteers also get some great CONvergence swag! If you are interested in volunteering to help make CONvergence 2021 the best that it can be for everyone, please contact the Volunteers Department at [email protected].

Donations Always Accepted

If you are not planning to participate in CONvergence 2021 and would like to convert your membership into a tax-deductible donation, simply email [email protected] and we will issue a receipt for your taxes. If you would like to make an additional donation to Convergence Events in any amount, please use the button below.

You will receive a tax receipt and the gratitude of a community that needs your support.

Again, thank you for your patience and we hope that you will find something in this year’s convention that will appeal to you. As a community, we will improvise, adapt, and overcome the obstacles. Together, we will make CONvergence 2021 the best we can, and continue to build towards a better future.

Thank you for supporting our community.


Convergence Events Board of Directors

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2020 Community Statement Sun, 06 Dec 2020 19:07:43 +0000 Dear Convergence Community, Like many of you, we were shocked and outraged at the murder of George Floyd witnessed around the world. It has left us angry, upset, hurt, shocked, and a host of other emotions because of how close Continue reading →

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Dear Convergence Community,

Like many of you, we were shocked and outraged at the murder of George Floyd witnessed around the world. It has left us angry, upset, hurt, shocked, and a host of other emotions because of how close to home it hits for many in our community. There is absolutely no acceptable reason why he should not be alive today, and his death exposed the undercurrent of systemic racism that runs through our society. We did not want to let that pass without a response, but then Ahmaud Arbery came to light…and then Breonna Taylor…and every time we would revise this statement, a new situation or a new development arose. It has been nearly impossible to keep up with the constant revelations of systemic racism and abuse by those who are in positions of power and law enforcement.

And surrounding this, we had a global pandemic. A virus that has circulated the globe, killing people, isolating people, crashing economies and social structures. And it has hit close to home as many in our own Convergence Community have been affected, falling ill, losing jobs, overwhelmed with stress and anxiety. Our convention had to be postponed. Our world has literally been on fire and it has been hard to know exactly what we can do to bring some reassurance, some calm, some security to all of us.

And then, recently, we awoke to something new. Recently, the world shifted in a direction that has been a long time coming, and very sorely needed as our country chose a new direction. And while not perfect, not finished, and not complete, it was the first step and inspiration struck.

There is still much work to be done and in keeping with that idea, we want to let you know that we are committed to you, our community in the following:

  • Regardless of any individuals we may know who seem to us to be examples of what law enforcement should be, there is something tragically wrong at the very core of the institution of police. The practice has not lived up to its purpose, and throughout the police departments across the country, the “bad apples” are much more plentiful than is imagined and they are in positions of leadership. This corrupts the very institution that is supposed to serve and protect. Until such a time as the institution itself is repaired, until the very idea of police officers isn’t striking fear into the heart of our community, we cannot, in good conscience, support their involvement as a measure of security and will not be choosing to use them for that purpose going forward.
  • We will continue to work on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion and lean in to ensuring everyone in our community is represented and feels welcome.
  • The Convergence Community is more than a hotel, a convention or mascot, it is a community. And as a community, we are going to branch out into new ways to help and support each other and establish partnerships to connect our members to resources around health and wellbeing, safety and security, employment and education. We are over 6000 members and amongst those we have the ability for each of us to lend a hand when we are able and lean in when we need to. We will support each other.
  • We will commit to developing new and refining existing ways to keep our community connected year round through social media, online programming, in person events when they are safe, and simple connections to each other. We will make sure that every member knows that they are not alone, they are part of a community.

This is a new day and there is new light, and most importantly, there is much work to be done. We welcome your ideas and suggestions, but also your time and commitment. To make our community better will take all of us, helping where we can and supporting one another.

We are in community together.


Amy, Ansley, Luis, Michael, Nadim, Stephanie and Jonathan

Convergence Board of Directors

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Public Announcement of Future Convention Dates Sat, 12 Jan 2019 20:56:13 +0000 The Convergence Events, Inc. Board of Directors knows that our community is dedicated to our event and that as a volunteer organization everyone’s time is valuable. It takes a lot to organize and plan for CONvergence not only as a Continue reading →

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The Convergence Events, Inc. Board of Directors knows that our community is dedicated to our event and that as a volunteer organization everyone’s time is valuable. It takes a lot to organize and plan for CONvergence not only as a volunteer, but as a member.  Planning vacation time, travel, and hotel, along with costuming, parties, panels, and all things CONvergence takes time. It is due to this that the Convergence Events, Inc. Board of Directors would like to inform the membership of possible future convention dates.

As our community knows, the Convergence Events, Inc. Board of Directors has chosen to move CONvergence from the DoubleTree Bloomington to the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis starting with our twenty-first convention on July 4th – 7th, 2019.  

Due to conditions outside of the Board of Directors’ control, this decision had to be made quickly in order to secure the location for the next five years.  This has resulted in possible convention dates outside our normal convention dates. To do otherwise would have resulted in additional moves to other hotels, more extreme date changes, and/or limited convention space and events.

Currently, our convention dates for 2020, 2021, and 2022 are tentatively set for the month of August.  The Convergence Events, Inc. Board of Directors and the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis team are continuing to review the availability and schedule of event space in order to bring CONvergence closer to our regular convention schedule without limiting or changing the convention that our community has built over the years.  Announcement of exact convention dates for the next year will be made during the Closing ceremonies as always and will give members twelve months of notice.

We will be returning to our convention’s typical dates in July 2023.  

Thank you for everything that you do as part of our convention membership. We hope to see you July 4th-7th 2019 for CONvergence 21 as we transition to our new location the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis.

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