CVG2023 Archives - Convergence Events, Inc. The parent organization of CONvergence Mon, 03 Jul 2023 02:52:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Answers to Your Questions About the CONvergence 2023 Masking Policy Mon, 03 Jul 2023 02:52:24 +0000 We’ve had several members email us asking for clarification on the CONvergence 2023 Vaccination and Masking policy. We hope this helps everyone understand how and why it was developed. We started discussing the CONvergence 2023 COVID-19 safety policies at the Continue reading →

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We’ve had several members email us asking for clarification on the CONvergence 2023 Vaccination and Masking policy. We hope this helps everyone understand how and why it was developed.

We started discussing the CONvergence 2023 COVID-19 safety policies at the beginning of 2023. With the CDC still recommending masks and vaccinations to help stop the spread of disease, we wanted to be sure that our policies supported this and would be feasible with our available resources.

  • When developing the CONvergence 2023 Vaccination and Masking policy, we first set a minimum of where we would require masks: in audience areas where folks sit in close spaces for long periods of time.
  • Vaccination and testing requirements are no longer supported by government resources, and pose a cost burden to those without access to insurance or free options.
  • We felt it was important to continue to recommend that our community stay up to date with vaccination and testing.

At the February and March 2023 Convention Committee (ConCom) meetings, we asked department heads to tell us whether their spaces at the convention should require masks because we value input from our core group of volunteers.

  • As part of this process, we had several meetings and discussions with individual department heads around which areas of the convention to mask or not.
  • Each department made the decision about whether or not to require masks based on internal departmental needs.
  • Parties, Dealers Room, and Artists Alley spaces have more complex issues around enforcement due to the nature of said areas.
    • Party Room hallways intersect with areas going in and out of private rooms
    • Dealers Room and Artists Alley have a very small staff and very large area with a constantly shifting population
    • The Exhibitor Hall is very noisy, making it very difficult for vendors to interact with customers with the addition of masks and no option for speech reading

The Masking and Vaccination policy we announced in early April 2023 was the result of this collaboration. We welcome and encourage everyone to wear their mask everywhere, even and especially where masks are not mandated. As in 2021 and 2022, N95 masks will be available at the door to Dealers Room & Artists Alley.

We understand and acknowledge that these conditions are not ideal. They are a compromise. We are doing our best with the resources we have. We ask that you help us be as inclusive as possible by doing your best, too. All of our members are irreplaceable, and we want to see all of you back whenever you feel comfortable returning.

Please contact the CONvergence board of directors with any feedback you have with regard to the CONvergence 2023 Masking and Vaccination policy, or and especially if you would like to offer assistance to Convergence Events, Inc. for navigating this complicated topic in the future.


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